Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Weekend Continues...

So before I start on Saturdays adventures, I left out one thing that happened on Friday night...more you may ask..it surprises me too ;) So after we come home from all of the adventures we run up to our rooftop (8 flights in this altitude is not easy) to see the last 3 songs of the Miley Cyrus concert, as I mentioned in my first post, I am not the biggest fan but it was pretty epic to be able to see a Miley Cyrus concert, from a rooftop, in Quito. Ok now all of Fridays events have been shared!

So today was our visit to the old city. It is downtown Quito, and it's full of old buildings and cathedrals. The first stop was the Basillica which is an old, beautiful cathedral right in the middle of the city. It is really big, and looks waayy bigger when you are beside it compared to pictures or from other parts of this city. So we have our tourist time taking photos on the outside of it and then buy our $2 ticket and head in! We walk up to the first section where it over looks the inside of the cathedral..very pretty. **keep in mind that walking up stairs in Quito is tough, I would compare walking up 4 flights of stairs here to running up 5 flights of stairs at home** then we walked up more stairs to the part of the Basicilla where you can go on the outside of its towers. but first we need to cross this wooden bridge that seems like it goes on forever. Of course we send the guys out first..just in case...crossing it was incredibly scary for me, as I do not like unstable structures..but I got across safely, as did everyone else. But then its not over, we need to climb up this mesh set of stairs which is so steep and awkward..again, I was very scared. after getting to the top it is very rewarding to see the view and the outside structure of the building, worth the pounding heart for 10 minutes. Going down and back wasn't as bad but still not my favourite feeling. Then we climbed more to the clock tower which was cool to be inside of the clock. and then finally to the bell tower, I couldn't reach the bell but seeing it was super amazing!! Then we got to go all the way back down, which is much much easier!
We kept walking around all of downtown and seeing different shops and the culture and then ate at a small patio restaurant which had delicious food! Then came the ever expected rain..but did I bring my rain jacket, of course not. So I bought a $3 umbrella, which has proven to be my best purchase thus far! By the time late afternoon rolled around we were beat and realized that we had been walking for about 6 hours...it did not feel like that but I am sure my legs disagree!
We went to a restaurant called La Boca del Lobo, which translates to "the wolfs mouth". Inside of the restaurant there is a tree which makes it super cool! This was my day to try different foods it seemed! I tried cuy (which is guinea pig..sorry if this grosses people out!!) it tasted like taco meat in pastry (again sorry if I just ruined tacos for anyone), then I tried mussels and salmon and bought a dish that I would never even think to buy in Canada. The drinks here are also amazing! The pina colada was made with real coconut and pineapple and my daiquiri was made with real strawberries, definitely something that we don't get at most restaurants in Winnipeg!
Then off to bed!

So originally this day was set out to be a very relaxed day of lesson planning and prep for school on Monday. But knowing Enrique I should never think that! We were invited to a principals house for lunch for the same fish we ate at the school on Friday. So at 1230 we get picked up with Enrique and his wife in the van waiting! We go to this house and walk to the backyard. then Monica(Enrique's wife) says "time to work" we all start laughing thinking she is just joking..but nope, it was time to work! so we climb down this steep grassy hil over looking a very pretty view. Eventually we get pretty far down to a little pond type thing. Enrique says to Chris "ok take off your shoes and go catch fish" :o < is the expression I believe was on our faces! (side note, we all dressed fairly nice to go to this lunch) so he gets in with a strainer and tries to catch a fish, then we all take a turn and most were successful but I was not, but I still tried. "grande osso"(big bear) aka Justin C, caught 2 with his bare hands and 2 with the strainer!!! So we have 9 fish now and hike back up this hill, then we get to de-scale the fish, then clean them, then gut them, they season them with only salt. I tried all of these steps which was huge for me!!! Then they were cooked in this large clay oven outside and we all enjoyed a fantastic meal outside together!! THEN we went back to the hotel and tried to do lesson planning but we were all pretty beat.

Another long post, and I promise they will be shorter after this because our nights are relaxed during the week and I will blog about the schools as stuff happens..

Overall the first weekend in Quito was amazing and I look forward to the ones coming up. But first..first week of teaching comes. Stay tuned for how day 1 of teaching was!

(ps I am sorry for any spelling mistakes/grammar errors..I usually blog fairly late and my mind is already partially asleep)

beunas noches amigos!

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