Monday, May 9, 2011

Market Madness and the Middle of the World!!

So my title basically sums up my weekend, but naturally I am choosing to give you lovely readers the extended version!!

So we'll start with Friday, in celebration of finishing a week at the schools we went to a Taco place for dinner. It was very good, but unfortunately one of our group members got sick afterwards and was unable to come to the markets the next day.. :(

Saturday morning we got to sleep in, meaning wake up at 7!! We were off to the markets with our driver Oswaldo and his son Andreas. We made a couple stops along the way and saw some very pretty sights!
We arrived in Otavalo which is a small town about 2 hours outside of Quito! There were little shops everywhere and so much to take in!! For the first little bit we just walked around looking at what all the markets had to offer, then the shopping started! I had a couple things in mind that I really wanted and some prices I was willing to pay. One thing was an alpaca wool sweater, they are really awesome! So we stop at one market stand and a few of us were wanting to get one so I sent one of the guys on a wild goose chase to get me my size and the colours I wanted and he asked $17 for it and Oswaldo starting talking to him in spanish and was like no no no too much you are getting a lot of business, so I ended up getting it for $13!! which was a great deal in my mind! I also got some smaller things all for a great deal, and spent a lot less in the markets than I thought!! THEN we went to the leather market, I am not usually a girl who loves leather but I have been wanting a good leather jacket for a while now, so we walked into a few shops before I found this one I loved, it was $75 which apparently is super inexpensive for real genuine leather, so I splurged and got it!! and then we continued to walk around before heading back to Quito.
That was not the last stop though!! Oswaldo and his son had a surprise in mind!! We stop and Andreas says we are at the MIDDLE OF THE WORLD!!! they took us to the Equator!!! This is the official equator, as there is one near Quito but on GPS the reading at this spot is 0,0,0! So here we are all standing on this line on both the northern hemisphere and southern. And Oswaldo tells us about all these gravity tricks that we can do on either side and it was literally mind blowing!! I can't explain the tricks on here but when I get back I will explain what they were!!
The drive home was filled with us all singing because there was no radio, we all enjoyed it, I feel a little bad for what Oswaldo and Andreas were thinking!

We were all beat and after hearing all about Blair's trip to Nepal last year, we all headed to bed!

Sunday was a very relaxing day, Sara, Jen and I went for a 2 hour walk and then we all just took it easy for the night!!

Today was a good day at school! This coming weekend we are going to Mindo which will be full of fun so stay tuned!!

Much love,

ps: Pictures will be posted this week I promise!!

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